Let's Fund A Tree Nursery in Ethiopia.
Join me in supporting a new way towards a healthier, fairer world!
November 19, 2016: $93.75 from Sidewalk and Rummage Sale today
Oct 8, 2016: $77 raised from jewellery sales
Sidewalk sales September 2016: $98.50 + $98.50 + $161.90 + $165.50 + $60.75 +
UPDATE APRIL 16, 2016: $161.10 raised at our first sidewalk sale of the season!
UPDATE OCT 15TH, 2015: We raised $263.40 at our sidewalk sales!
UPDATE MAY 13TH, 2015: We raised $76.82 at our Mother's Day Sale
UPDATE JANUARY 18TH, 2015: Gifting Table donated $82 this week!
UPDATE DECEMBER 31, 2014: Our Midnight Sale and Party raised $229!
Donation Goal: $11410.00
Raised so far: $8758.21
The Result
In Africa, trees provide many of life's day-to-day necessities:
Trees help increase food production by returning moisture and nutrients to the soil
Trees add moisture to the air, which can increase rainfall and help combat famine producing drought
Trees clean the air for the entire global community and help prevent global warming
When concerned global citizens like you support CPAR’s Plant a Tree in Africa program, your gift will support tree planting projects and help provide food, income and shelter, while preventing soil erosion, pollution and famine.
I have personally committed to raising and donating $11,410 to support the creation of a tree nursery with tools and a grove of 1000 trees like Acacia Abyssinica and Cordia Africana!
In 2011, Anarres joined with CPAR - Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief to support a Tree Nursery project in Ethiopia. Since then, we've been collecting money towards our $11,410 goal at events, sales of special African themed products like soaps, events like the Social Enterprise Soiree, bike decorating by donation and recently through our Sidewalk Sale for Social Justice... And of course, in lieu of personal gifts at special occasions.
The Big Huge Picture - we aim to raise $11,410 in total to:
Provide Training and Community Education on Natural Resource Management: Providing community members with education on natural resource management in order to further their skills in maintaining tree nurseries and cultivating the land.
Providing Seedlings and Tools for Nurseries: Help provide community members with tools including: wheel barrels, watering cans, digging hoes, etc., in order to maintain established tree nurseries.
Support School Environmental and Natural Resource Management Clubs: Cultivating the importance of nurturing the environment begins with children. As per the plan of FF-Program, Environmental Clubs of two primary schools of Abo Yayen Bena and Bobelin KAs were supported by inputs and hand tools for tree seedling production. In addition, 12 (6f) selected members of the clubs attended a day long orientation on nursery management and tree seedling production. As a result of the support, the clubs have produced 70 seedlings of indigenous and exotic species.
We more than halfway towards the goal of supporting one tree nursery project.
The chosen community is counting on us to follow through.
Watch for specials and events to support the campaign. Come shop at our Sidewalk sale for Social Justice. Let us decorate your bike with flowers for a donation!
1. Click the link to Plant a Tree Project. http://payment.csfm.com/events/cpar_fog/group_profile.php?profile_id=716...
2. Click on Donate To This Project.
3. Under "Make a General Donation", click on the click here to search for Anarres
4. Click on Anarres Natural Health below the Search Bar under "Teams".
4. Donate!
Your generosity will show up on the page and keep track of our goal.
Love & RRRevolution, Tracey