Spring Cleaning for Body, Mind and Spirit
All too soon, we find ourselves in a premature spring. Regardless of the earliness, standing out in the fresh air and sunshine, my thoughts turn to cleaning and clearing, new habits for my home and for my body.
In this broad-reaching article, I will address spring cleaning or clearing with regard to your body, and your home.
As you may know, I am against the use of patriarchal, anti-Earth ways of thinking. "Cleansing" supposes that we are dirty, or unclean. Heroic Medicine loves to prescribe extreme "cleanses" to get rid of "parasites", and I am constantly asked about products to kill what is supposedly infecting us.
Let me be clear: If you think you have a parasite (worms or something you got while traveling) you need to seek medical help right away. The dangerous parasites can infect the nervous system (and therefore the brain) and cause great harm. Nuke the infection with conventional medicine. I do not say that lightly. People without access to modern medicine have and do become disabled, sicken, and die from parasitic infections.
But what you might really have is an overgrowth of Candida albicans. MLMs call this a "parasite" but candida naturally lives in the human body. An overgrowth will make you sick. So why did it take over? What is the solution? Our modern way of thinking is of course KILL KILL KILL. There is a time and place for this heroic treatment: when symptoms are acute and improvement ASAP is a must. For example, if you have osteoporosis, there are various natural remedies you might try before you take conventional medication. But if you broke your hip because you have osteoporosis, you need emergency treatment for that broken hip, and you can change your lifestyle later.
My main advice for addressing yeast infections such as Candida is to improve gut health by:
~ Eating traditional fermented foods - yes, that means active yogurt and kefir, and real pickles (the ingredients should be salt, cucumber, water, and maybe a preservative)
~ Reducing sweet foods - from candy to fresh or dried fruits
~ Soaking GROCERY STORE fresh vegetables, leafy greens, and fresh fruit first in baking soda and water for 15 minutes (to absorb pesticide and other residues), and then another 15 minutes in vinegar and water to kill off and inhibit molds.
~ Eating fresh vegetables, leafy greens and fruits from organic GARDENS OR FARMER'S MARKETS with plain water rinsing. You want those local microbes to repopulate your body!!!
~ Taking a probiotic supplement 3 times a day for 3 months. It's irrelevant how expensive it is. What I suggest is that you seek out ones with L. BIFIDUM AND B. LONGUM. This is to repopulate your gut with helpful bacteria to correct the imbalance that caused your symptoms including the overgrowth of yeast.
Gynecologists will tell you not to put strange things in your vagina. They've seen it all, and it wasn't pretty or fun! However, many yeasty vaginas benefit from home treatments - especially if you are wary of using conventional anti-fungals - such as
~ Inserting a clean-skinned clove of garlic overnight.
~ Inserting active probiotic plain yogurt overnight
~ Douching with warm salt water and a pinch of medical-grade borax (No cleaning borax!)
~ Douching with vinegar in warm water
~ Rinsing with warm water and patting dry with a washcloth instead of using toilet paper in case that irritates you.
~ Ensuring that your sexual partners treat their genitals for yeast infection.
~ Changing your contraception. This could be rough, but if you have a yeast infection, you have had to change your sexual habits out of discomfort. Typical contraceptives that can lead to yeast infection include condoms (are the additives in the lubricant bothering me? Try Glyde vegan condoms with natural lubricants), spermicide (try PH balanced contraceptive gel instead) and hormonal contraception (that's a big decision to change, so you might want to try everything else first! If you do decide to, I offer a variety of non-hormonal options.)
STOP using any products with fragrances and possible hidden chemicals on in or near your vagina! Consider:
~ Your laundry detergent. Switch to an unscented laundry Soap!
~ The bath salts or other additives to your bath
~ The soaps you use. It's best to clean the vagina with plain water, actually. Your vagina strives to be self-cleaning!
~ The menstrual products you use. The disposable ones can contain hidden irritating and even toxic chemicals! Check this out! Menstrual Care Products and Toxic Chemicals Alternatives include: organic disposable tampons and pads, sea sponges (properly sterilized between uses), menstrual cups made with medical-grade silicone, washable pads.
DO NOT, NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE TELLS YOU, APPLY ESSENTIAL OILS SUCH AS ORGANO AND TEA TREE TO YOUR LABIA OR VAGINA. Fire kills yeast, too, and you don't want to blow torch your vagina - it probably already feels like that anyhow!
I offer treatments for "parasites" that are harmless, and potentially helpful:
Diatomaceous Earth aka DE aka Fossil Flour
The food-grade DE I carry is affordable, a source of nutritional silica, and has many internal and external uses:
~ Natural Pest Control in the home, on plants and soil
~ Naturally prevents mold and caking in all dry preparations such as make-up, masks, clays, etc
~ Naturally improves absorption of nutrients by cleansing the intestines of waste and parasites
DE is a rich source of the nutrient silica, and supplemental silica is thought to help address weak bones, heart disease Alzheimer’s disease, digestive issues, and hair loss.
Zeolite Tincture Liquid Zeolite™ helps support a strong immune system and reduces toxic overload by removing toxins, chemicals & heavy metals.
I suggest this supplement for clients who:
~ Are #detoxifying through a combination of diet, exercise, and/or bodywork
~ Are #withdrawing from prescribed or non-prescribed drugs and psychoactive substances including alcohol
~ Require extra #minerals because they have been undernourished or under extra physical or emotional #stress
~ Are concerned about #pre-cancerous changes or wish to actively #prevent #cancer