Books: About Mind, Body and Spirit
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by Bev Aisbett
Price: $20
From the bestselling author of Living with IT and Taming the Black Dog comes a practical guide for parents of anxious children.
If your child is too often: seeks reassurance, invents illnesses, avoids interactions, avoids trying new things, becomes emotional over minor upsets, or is clingy, afraid to sleep alone, reluctant to go to school or scared of numerous things ... then anxiety could be an issue for them.
Commonly, a child experiencing anxiety doubts themselves lacks confidence and becomes easily overwhelmed. So how do you best help them?
From Australia's bestselling anxiety expert, Bev Aisbett comes as an essential guide for these anxious times. Worry-Proofing Your Anxious Child is a calm, clear and, above all, a reassuring book to help parents (and teachers) of anxious children.
Filled with simple explanations and practical advice, this book will assist everyone who wants to help a child overcome their anxieties and learn to live more confidently.
by Candace B. Pert
Price: $26
Why do we feel the way we feel? How do our thoughts and emotions affect our health? Are our bodies and minds distinct from each other or do they function together as parts of an interconnected system?
In her groundbreaking book Molecules of Emotion, Candace Pert provides startling and decisive answers to these and other challenging questions that scientists and philosophers have pondered for centuries.
Her pioneering research on how the chemicals inside our bodies form a dynamic information network, linking mind and body, is not only provocative, it is revolutionary. By establishing the biomolecular basis for our emotions and explaining these new scientific developments in a clear and accessible way, Pert empowers us to understand ourselves, our feelings, and the connection between our minds and our bodies -- body-minds -- in ways we could never possibly have imagined before.
Molecules of Emotion is a landmark work, full of insight and wisdom and possessing that rare power to change the way we see the world and ourselves.
by Grace Miceli
Price: $29
Power through your worst days so you can enjoy the good ones with this "fight or flight" manual for life (the fake one you live on the internet and the one you actually live).
“I’m not here asking you to fix yourself. There’s nothing wrong with you, okay? I know that how my day goes depends on whether I wake up full of hope or despair. It’s not about what’s happening, it’s about my relationship to what’s happening, you know?” –Grace Miceli, from How to Deal
Dealing with ourselves requires . . . a lot. On the good days, it takes patience and humour; on the bad, it can devolve into online shopping sprees, over-analyzing the punctuation from every text message you receive or baking 4 dozen cookies—for ourselves.
In this relatable and hilarious collection of comic strips, modern-day motivational posters, and illustrated lists and diary entries, illustrator Grace Miceli explores how our comfort zones may be a trap, how to stay when you want to run away, and where to find light when everything feels dark—beyond the glow of your phone.
This sharply observed book is a "fight or flight" manual for life (the fake one you live on the internet and the one you actually live), a weird but honest road map from a friend who wants to make it just that much easier for you to navigate your own journey.
by Bill Mitchell
Price: $24.50
Ever feel like you're so busy and stressed that you forget to breathe? This book is for all of us struggling with the multiple demands of jobs that never seem to end and the complexities of home lives. All of which can lead to exhaustion, unhappiness, burn-out or depression--this book offers a road map of practical, effective solutions.
This book is for people who are struggling with the multiple demands of jobs that never seem to end and the complexities of their home lives. Struggling on without thinking through how to make it work can lead to exhaustion, unhappiness, burn-out or depression.
No Time To Breathe presents practical ideas that come out of Dr. Bill Mitchell''s clinical experience in getting people back to a zone of better energy, balance, fulfillment and more balanced ways of thinking about themselves.
Through case studies of the everyday lives of people in many walks of professional life, we see how many of us can accidentally set off down a pathway that takes us away from our previously healthy robust selves--often without recognizing it. When we can no longer stabilize our emotions and protect our energy we become overwhelmed, and rather than confidence become self-doubting, guilty and anxious.
This book describes three key building blocks of a balancing system to keep us within the energized healthy zone, in spite of the pressures we are under at work and at home. These are self-awareness, an understanding of the physiology of energy, and a willingness to lead a more decisions-based life for better balance and effective working. Together, these form an overarching empowered mindset, freeing us from the mental habits that lead us to de-prioritize time for ourselves. And leading to far happier outcomes than feeling trapped and helpless, or walking away from career paths into which we have invested years of our lives.
by Inna Segal, Foreword by Bernie S. Siegel, M.D.
Price: $21
The Secret Language of Your Body unveils the secrets to understanding the messages of your body, revealing the underlying causes of symptoms and medical conditions, and offers processes for healing.
This inspiring handbook delves deeply into the possible reasons for health issues in all areas of your body. Author Inna Segal offers a unique, step-by-step method to assist your body in returning to its natural state of health, including a free thirty-five-minute audio download where Inna helps you tune into your body for a powerful healing experience. By encouraging you to connect with your innate healing intelligence and calling on your body's built-in ability to heal itself, Inna gently guides you on a journey of life-changing transformation and empowerment where you will:
- heal the mental, emotional, and energetic causes of physical ailments
- use easy, quick, practical exercises to heal your organs
- learn the secret language of disease and powerful processes for healing
- understand and release limiting thoughts and emotions
- discover how to use colour to heal your life
- uncover and apply the messages your body has to teach you