Oil: St John's Wort Infused

Price: $5.90
Herbal Oil: St John's Wort

Hypericum perforatum dried flowers infused in extra virgin olive oil Olea europaea

NOTE: This St John's Wort oil is suitable for cosmetic applications and is produced using dried flowers and herbs and therefore lacks the red colour.

Standardization: 20% dry herb/L of oil (i.e., 200 g herb per 1000 ml of oil)

Common Uses: St. John's Wort Herbal Oil has antiseptic, antiviral and astringent properties. This makes it perfect for application on wounds. It is also credited with being a pain reliever and excellent for the reduction of swelling and bruising. It can also be applied to sunburns to improve recovery times, varicose veins, and on bee stings.

Tinctures: 1:10 dried flower prepared with 70% ethanol
Creams & Ointments: Max of 15% St. John’s Wort Oil
Compresses: Tincture diluted 3 - 10 times with water
Poultices: Tincture diluted 3 - 10 times with water

Cautions: St. John's Wort Oil may cause photosensitivity. Users should avoid direct sunlight after application.

Photo By R. A. Nonenmacher (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons