Step 4: Check your start time
Step 4: Check your start time

Each student in Arts & Science is assigned a course enrolment Start Time when he or she may begin course enrolment. Course enrolment start times are used to maximize the likelihood that students will get the courses they need to complete their degrees. Students are streamed onto ROSI in descending order of “year of study,” and within each year by the number of courses completed or in progress. Start times for fourth-year students are assigned by the number of credits in ascending order. Start times for third and second-year students are assigned by the number of credits in descending order. Non-Degree students and Visiting Students are streamed on after Arts & Science degree students. Start times work in conjunction with enrolment indicators and enrolment controls to ensure that students with the greatest need for courses get priority access to them.

Note: Students with significant arrears from previous sessions will not be allowed to enrol in courses until fees are paid in full. These students will not have a start day and time displayed on ROSI.

Start Day and Time

The start day and time for enrolment are based on:

your degree status (St. George campus Arts & Science degree students receive first priority)
your year of study (based on the number of full-course equivalents [FCE’s] or credits, including transfer credits, you expect to complete by the end of the 2012 summer session)
Fifth year (applies only to students enrolled in a CTEP subject POSt)
St. George Arts & Science degree students who expect to complete at least 20 credits by the end of the 2012 summer session
Fourth year
St. George Arts & Science degree students who expect to complete at least 14 credits by the end of the 2012 summer session
Third year
St. George Arts & Science degree students who expect to complete 9 to 13.5 credits by the end of the 2012 summer session
Second Year
St. George Arts & Science degree students who expect to complete 4 to 8.5 credits by the end of the 2012 summer session
First Year
St. George Arts & Science degree students who expect to complete fewer than 4 credits by the end of the 2012 summer session, or first-year, newly-admitted degree students
Newly-admitted transfer students should contact their college registrar’s office for assistance in determining their year of study.

Once your start time begins, you can enrol in or request courses (except for E indicator courses) on the SWS. Course enrolment is done in real time, on a first-come, first-served basis.

The chart below indicates when you can view your start day and time, and when course enrolment starts for each year of study group.

Student View start day & time First day of course enrolment
Fifth-year CTEP/Fourth-year degree students July 3 July 10
Third-year degree students July 9 July 17
Second-year degree students July 16 July 24
First-year degree students July 23 July 30
Non-degree students (visiting or previous degree) N/A August 16 (6 a.m.)

- 02/22/2025 - 6:07am