Incense: Charcoal Cones, Unscented

Price: $0.19
Incense: Charcoal Cones, Unscented

Using these #unscented #charcoal #incense #cones, you can make your own healthy #non-toxic #chemical-free long-burning incenses!

Create a Test Stick
Simply apply up to 20 drops of essential oil directly to one incense stick or cone, or soak a batch of incense in a cylinder allowing 1mL per stick. If you are using a blend of oils, be sure to mix them before applying them to the incense stick to help ensure they are evenly distributed.

We use 1mL essential oil or essential oil blend per stick or cone. Usually there' some leftover that we bottle and use for the next batch of incense.

We soak them for 24 hours in glass jars or cylinders for sticks Then we bottle any leftover essential oil, and turn the cones onto a cloth, or turn the sticks upside down in a glass jar - to dry for 24 hours.

Be sure to pack as soon as they are dry in anything other than regular plastic as the essential oils don't melt the plastic onto the sticks or cones.

#incense #handmade #essentialoil #Toronto #ShopSmall #ShopLocal #SmallBusiness #Bloordale #Bloorcourt #BloorWest #Aromatherapy #ZeroWaste #ShopEthical #Fairtrade #Green #DIY