FULL DAY Green Household Cleaning: Everything You Always Wanted To Know But Were Afraid To Ask
Green Household Cleaning with Tracey TieF
Monday, May 28, 2012, 10AM - 4PM
In this fun, fact filled and hands on six hour workshop, you will learn to use easy to find all-natural ingredients to make your very own creations!
The Do-It-Yourself Green Cleaning Workshop is a fun and easy way to learn about chemicals in cleaning products and the illnesses these can cause, and make products that are safe to use, and inexpensive! As a participant, you'll go home with your very own set of easy-to-make cleaning products (plus recipes) that have been tested for effectiveness and are good for your health and the environment!
You'll learn the three most important (and FREE) cleaning agents and why they work!
We'll make:
All purpose spray cleaner
Creamy Soft Scrub
Wood Cleaner/Polish
Laundry Detergent
Room Air Cleaner/Deodorizer
You'll learn how to safely and naturally:
Remove and Prevent Mold and Mildew
Unclog a Drain
Clean a Toilet
Disinfect Any Surface
Prepare Food Safely
Use Essential Oils and Flower Waters as Air Cleaners and Deodorizers
What’s Included:
• Assortment of products you make on the day
• Morning Tea & Lunch
• Discount on any goods purchased during the day
• Apron
Tracey TieF has had the pleasure of hosting DIY Natural Cleaning events for hundreds of people and has been featured at:
~ the OISE Eco Fair April 7 2010
~ Eco Savvy Festival June 19-20 2009 http://www.enlightenedevents.ca/ecosavvyfestival/schedule
~ the Green Culture Festival 2008, 2009 http://www.hempress.ca/green_culture_festival_2009
and at a baby shower, a daycare, a social justice centre, a church, at lunch-and-learns for social and health workers, at the Karma Food Coop and, of course, at her Anarres Natural Health clinic.
For videos and more info see: http://www.anarreshealth.ca/node/19