Mamalicious Baby Balm gets rave reviews at Baby Mind and Spirit

10 samples of the Mamalicious Baby Balm were sent out to reviewers at Baby Mind and Spirit, and 9 glowing reviews came back (did the 10th sample get lost in the mail?)

Here's what the reviewers said:

"I tried it on my burn first, then on my son. It works and smells great! I put it on my son who was starting to get a diaper rash before he went to bed and it wasn't red anymore when he woke up this morning... I would definitely recommend it to anyone!"
~ Sophie

"I loved this product! My son has extremely sensitive skin, so I am very careful about what I put on him. I also tested it on myself first (a slight rash on my face) & the rash was gone in the morning. The following day I used it on my son (for prevention purposes). We've been using it at every diaper change for the past week & no rashes! The best part is, you don't need to use a lot. A little goes a long way.

I also really appreciate Tracey's commitment to the environment. Not only is the product all natural & healthy - her refill program is a very smart idea. When you're finished with the container you can send it back to be refilled for a lesser price. I highly recommend this product for anyone who prefers natural & socially conscious products, that won't cost you a fortune!"
~ Nicole

"I tried the cream on my sons diaper rash and the rash was gone the next day. I appreciate that this product is all natural and has a very pleasant smell. It proved to be safe on my babies sensitive skin. I will be recommending this product to my mom friends and to anyone who wants organic products at a very reasonable cost."
~ Kathy

"I loved it! It worked wonders on my dry, cracked heels, they were to the point where they were starting to bleed and in a few days of using this cream it was almost healed. I would recommend this to anyone who has sensitive skin or has a child with sensitive skin.

I thought the refill program was a great idea, saving money for sending back the empty container just makes sense!"
~ Amanda

"I love this stuff! I use it for my son's diaper rash all the time. It works great and smells nice.
I love how it's nourishing to the skin and healthy."

~ Suzanne

"We loved this product. I used for my daughter's diaper rash and it cleared up very quickly.
I also like the idea of all natural and refill program.
I will recommend this product to anyone for sure."

~ Keiko

"Amazing!!! I have psoriasis on my legs and about 7 mo. ago got a nasty patch on my left elbow. It has been red and looks like a scar. I tried a photographer I was worried about how my clients would react to this skin disease. 3 days after using the cream....gone...event the red scar like colour! Thank you Tracey!"

"I absolutely love this!!!! We are very environmentally conscious in our house, and this fits all of our needs, but most importantly - it works!!

We use cloth diapers on our baby, and there are a lot of creams that you can't use as they are not compatible with cloth diapers, but this one works fantastic!

I love how creamy it is, and how it clears up any rashes!
My older son has eczema and it helps with his rash too! Thank-you Tracey!"
~ Cassandra


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