Statement on Halal Values in Anarres Products
Anarres Natural Health products are Halal*, not only because many of my clients and customers are observant, but because I want to meet the highest standards possible.
All ingredients are chosen on principles of environmental sustainability, fair trade, and freedom from cruelty to animals and people. Anares is eco-ethical. Eco-ethical means free from animal cruelty, caring for the environment, not harming one’s body (eating natural formulations, organically grown products, and those free from pesticides or ingredients deemed harmful to the body) and fulfilling corporate social responsibility (which includes fair trade and no exploitation of workers).
Regarding alcohol:
Anarres Natural Health names all ingredients on the label, including trace ingredients.
Unlike conventional production, Anarres is careful to ensure that not only is alcohol not an ingredient in all but three products*, but that items sterilized with alcohol are thoroughly rinsed with running water, then heat dried. The alcohol used is non consummable 190 proof grain alcohol used only for medicinal applications.
* Where witch hazel is used, clients have a choice of an alcohol-free distillate with 0.15% Benzoic Acid, or a traditional distillation with 14-15% ethyl alcohol as a carrier and preservative. Witch hazel is only used in toners and mouthwash.
Tincture-grade non consummable alcohol is used in the regular (Don't) Bite Me insect repellant.
These products are be made alcohol-free on request.