Oil: Rosehip Cold Pressed Certified Organically Grown Social Enterprise
Rosa carina Cold Pressed Certified Organically Grown Social Enterprise in Chile. Rosehip oil is extremely high in essential fatty acids and is known to help treat dry, irritated, weathered skin. It is also suitable for treating burns, scars and stretch marks. There are some concerns that it can aggravate acne conditions.
Colour: Light Red (Slightly darker than the Non-Organic variety)
Aroma: Rosehip has very little scent characteristic of most carrier oils.
Common Uses: Rosehip oil is becoming popular with massage therapists for its skin healing properties, though it is typically in dilution (10% recommended).
Consistency: Typical and Characteristic of Carrier Oils.
Absorption: Rosehip has acceptable penetration levels, but may leave some stickiness if used on the skin neat.
Shelf life: Rosehip Oil is slow to go rancid; users can expect a shelf life of 6 Months to 1 Year with proper storage conditions (cool, out of direct sunlight). Refrigeration after opening is recommended.
Cautions: In high concentrations, and in select people, rosehip oil may aggravate acne.
Photo thanks to James Petts from London, England (Rosehips and water droplets) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons