Across Canada, Defend Our Health From Tar Sands Line 9 Pipeline Plan

On Nov. 16, Canadians from coast to coast will stand up to demand an energy future that protects our communities and our climate. In Toronto, join Environmental Defence Canada and others who are saying No to Enbridge's risky Line 9 pipeline plan to ship dirty tar sands oil through Toronto.

Meet in the South-East corner of Toronto City Hall's courtyard.
We'll spell out our opposition to Line 9 using our bodies and banners.

Please RSVP so we know you'll be joining us.

On #Nov16, you can help build a cross-Canada united wall of opposition to pipelines, reckless tar sands expansion and runaway climate change.

Find out more about #DefendOurClimate actions in other cities:

To learn more about the risks of Enbridge's Line 9 tar sands pipeline plan, visit:

04/28/6259 - 1:46pm - 11/03/9509 - 6:17pm