295 pesticides will be banned in Ontario
Congratulations! Anarres was part of a major victory for human health and the environment.
This week, a ban on lawn and garden pesticides was finalized by the government of Ontario, making it illegal to use or sell hundreds of pesticides in Canada’s most populous province.
"Yes we can, eh?”
This would never have happened without thousands of others like you, who used the David Suzuki Foundation website to tell government officials the places we live, work and play should be free of needless chemical pesticides. The sheer volume of support was simply impossible to ignore.
You're part of a community that cares.
Your collective effort strengthened the ban, even while the chemical lobby threatened to weaken it.
The political process can often seem overwhelming at best-- futile at its worst. At least that's what the big lobbies want you to believe.
Thanks for proving them wrong…
Starting this spring, 295 pesticides will be banned in Ontario, benefiting both human health and the environment through reduced use and exposure. Find out more by checking out the government website, which has specific information for home owners, golf courses, municipalities, and others.
Your actions go beyond making Ontario the second province in Canada to ban lawn and garden pesticides. Now, people in other provinces can grab the momentum to ban pesticides where they live.
Once again: Thank you, and Congratulations.