Why Anarres Natural Health is a Green Choice
Anarres strives to be as ethical and environmentally friendly as possible.
Anarres Natural Health is conveniently located near the corner of College & Ossington, so most of my clients take the TTC practically to the door via the College or Dundas streetcars, or the Ossington bus. Other clients walk or bike here!
The Clinic is in our home where the electricity is 100% from wind power, and we use less than half of the natural gas and water that the average household uses due to our conservation efforts. We are a David Suzuki Family!.
I package my products in glass, metal or vegetable cellulose only, and accept returns and donations of glass and metal ware so that I can offer these for reuse at a discount. My clients also receive a discount for refilling products - you never pay for the packaging again!
I sanitize my quilts, blankets and linens in a combination washer-dehydrator, compost all of the natural fibres I use and recycle my waste.
I offer clients locally wild-crafted and organically grown teas, and source my ingredients ethically and as locally as possible. The only shea butter or cocoa I use is Certified Fair Trade.
Packaging without plastic took 2 years of research, so I am happy to offer the array of bottles, jars, canisters, bags and wrap to DIYers through my store here: http://www.anarreshealth.ca/catalog/10/diy_supplies
In short, I do everything I can to heal you and our precious planet Earth. I am happy to help you become greener and healthier by offering you easy, life enhancing choices.
Refer An Eco-Friendly Friend without Fear!