EVENTS for March 2010
Meditation and Hypno Experience Friday Mornings March 5, 12, 19, 26 March 5th's participant proposed theme is consulting the past and future through hypnotic states. In this drop in group, I'll guide participants in a variety of meditative experiences.
Spring Detox Lab March 8 You'll come away with absolutely original, and useful, detoxifying goodies you've made for yourself, or to give as a gift, and skills that can serve you for a lifetime for a fraction of the cost of a spa habit.
New Moon Party March 12 Please join us for a monthly New Moon party, in which you can receive a sampler-platter of some of the amazing healing arts here at F.Y.B! – Includes wine and cheese (and, if you need it, child-care!!)
Energy Healing Workshop March 28 Join me in learning with my colleague Tarek Bibi.
Sustainability Leadership Exchange April 1 Working together with thought and action leaders, SLX will explore what sustainable business means in practice.