Perfumery Alcohol, in Bulk
INCI: SDA 40B 200 proof, ethanol
Perfumery Alcohol is also identified as Specially Denatured Alcohol (SDA) 40B.
SD alcohol has additives, namely bitrex, which is odourless but renders the alcohol un-drinkable.
Sold by the:
100mL in a blue glass bottle with a cap.
250mL clear glass bottle with a cap.
10% off When you buy 500ML Bring or buy a bottle.
20% off when you buy 1000ML Bring or buy a bottle.
Buy a 500 mL or 1000 mL bottle here.
You must bring a bottle that is exactly 500mL or exactly 1000mL in size because I fill your bottle by volume.
Most commercially prepared quality perfumes utilize perfumer's alcohol in their formulations. Perfumery alcohol is a "fixative"/solvent for natural essential oils and man-made ingredients in the event that the perfumes must sit for months on a retail shelf.
Here's Anarres' recipe for 60% alcohol hand sanitizer, shared for the first time because people come in wanting guidance:
ANARRES' Flu Fighter Hand Sanitizer – 60% alcohol makes 1000mL
Perfumery Alcohol 200 proof / 100% 600 grams
'Flu Fighter, Evidence-Based, Essential Oil Blend
Using Perfumery Alcohol
Equipment you'll need:
Distilled water
Perfumery alcohol
Coffee filters
Glass bottles with stoppers
Wooden spoon
Non-metal bowl
Essential Oils
1) Pour the perfumery alcohol into the bowl. Add the essential oils one drop at a time into the alcohol, stirring slowly after each addition. Make sure that you stir slowly, but long enough to completely disperse the oils.
2) Allow the blend of oils and alcohol to stand undisturbed for 48 hours.
3) Add the distilled water. Stir it slowly until it is completely dispersed.
4) Place the mixture in a cool, dark place where it won't be disturbed for at least three weeks. This will allow the perfume to mature. Let your blend age. The longer the better!
5) Filter the resulting pure perfume through a coffee filter to remove any sediment that may have formed. Bottle your perfume into glass bottles with a stopper.
6) Enjoy it as you would any commercial perfume.
Don't be afraid to experiment with a fragrance recipe. Learning how to make your own fragrances is as much about experimentation as about following recipes. Just keep a notebook of everything you do so that if you do discover how to make the perfect perfume, you can duplicate the results. Remember that one less or one more drop of essential oil can change the fragrance of a perfume entirely.