Cedarwood Virginian Essential Oil

Price: $5.24
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Cedarwood Virginian Essential Oil

Juniperus virginiana Steam distilled from the wood, in Canada.

Aroma: Fresh, woody, balsamic. It strongly resembles the aroma of cedar chests and closets.

Colour: Clear

Consistency: Medium and oily feeling

Perfumery Note: Base

Strength of Initial Aroma: Medium

Possible Uses: Acne, arthritis, bronchitis, coughs, cystitis, dandruff, dermatitis, insect repellant, stress. [Julia Lawless, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils (Rockport, MA: Element Books, 1995), 56-65.]

Constituents: a-cedrene, B-cedrene, thujopsene, other sesquiterpene, cedrol, widdrol. [B. Lawrence, "Virginian and Texan Cedarwood Oil," Perfumer & Flavorist, June/July 1980, 63, cited in Salvatore Battaglia, The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy (Australia: The Perfect Potion, 1997), 150.]

Safety Information: Lawless indicates that this oil may be safer to use than Atlas Cedarwood. It can cause irritation and sensitization. Avoid during pregnancy. [Julia Lawless, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils (Rockport, MA: Element Books, 1995), 156.]

Essential Oil Safety by Robert Tisserand does not indicate any special precautions when using this oil. [Robert Tisserand, Essential Oil Safety (United Kingdom: Churchill Livingstone, 1995), 204.]


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