Discontinued DO NOT ORDER Candle: Wax EcoSoya All Purpose Blend
New! EcoSoya Wax Q220 All-Purpose Blend
Sold in bulk, $0.0124 per gram
Stable and easy to use, EcoSoya Q220 works as a paraffin replacement and is a suitable replacement for CB Advanced Wax due to its higher melting point and aesthetics. The high melting point allows finished candles to withstand summer heat and high temperatures during shipping and transit. The higher melting point also makes the EcoSoya WaxQ220 an excellent wax for Container Candles and Clamshell Melts. EcoSoya Q220 can be cooled during manufacturing with a reduced chance of improper curing, leading to a more efficient process that yields less waste. This wax burns best with wicks designed for viscous waxes, such as beeswax and plant-based waxes, while also supporting the use of large wicks for faster fragrance throw without the usual problems related to sooting. EcoSoya Q220 offers exceptional consistency and performance every time.
Applications: Container Candles, Molded Candles, Clamshell Melts. It might be difficult to use this wax in metal Votive and Tart moulds as they might be slightly soft to the touch and prone to scratches. This wax is not recommended for use in manufacturing Pillar candles.
Properties of EcoSoya Q220 Container Blend:
• It comes in small beads, which makes it easy to handle and measure.
• Made from vegetable oils.
• When solid, it is white/off-white in colour at ambient temperature and when liquid, it is amber in colour.
• Has odour typical of vegetable oil.
• Is biodegradable.
• Burns clean, leaving a healthier home environment.
• It is non-polymorphic, meaning it will prevent the formation of crystals, which can appear in the form of rough, grainy, or lumpy white blooms or 'white frost'.
• Wax Melting Temperature: between 68.3°C (155°F) and 87.8°C (190°F) under gentle agitation.
• Fragrance: the maximum load is approximately18% by weight.
• Suggested Pour Temperature: between 145°F (62.8°C) and 175°F (79.4°C).
• It is not adversely affected when temporarily exposed to extreme hot or cold temperatures.
• May be used frozen.
• If partially melted, may be allowed to re-solidify before use.
• 100% plant-based.
• All-natural.
• Sustainable and renewable.
• Free of pesticide and herbicide residue.
• Free of genetically modified material.
• No animal testing.
• No petroleum products.
• No animal products.
• No insect products.
The product is a mixture of hydrogenated and interesterified glycerides of soybean oil. It does NOT contain any components which are hazardous according to the Dangerous Substance Directive (67/548/EC) or CLP Regulation 1272/2008/EC
Note: The new EcoSoy waxes have a very different chemistry from the past waxes. There is an aroma present that some people may detect while others may not. This is perfectly normal and it will not impact the finished candle.
In contact with or splashed by HOT molten liquid:
Cool the skin immediately with cool water. Treat burns according to their severity. To avoid damage to the skin no attempt should be made to remove wax firmly adhering to the skin. In case of circumferential burns splitting of the wax ring may be considered to prevent the tourniquet effect. Obtain medical attention immediately. Never try to remove the materials with solvents.
Over-heated wax can produce fumes which may be an irritant when inhaled. Remove the affected person to fresh air. If recovery is not rapid, seek medical attention.
Caution: Do not use copper or brass tools or containers when working with soy wax, as the copper and brass will discolour the wax.
General Troubleshooting for EcoSoya Wax
If you experience a problem with your candle, try the following steps to isolate the
cause. Whatever the issue might be it’s important that you test for only one variable
at a time. This enables you to isolate the cause of your problem. Variables include
but are not limited to the container, wax, dye, fragrance, wick, pour temperature
and even environmental conditions such as cooling temperature.
• First, make a candle in the container with only the wick (no dye or fragrance). If it looks good then the wax is performing normally.
• Then, one at a time, change only one variable. Try adding the dye without fragrance to the container, wax and wick. If it looks good and burns well the dye is compatible with the wax.
• Try adding the fragrance without dye to the container, wax and wick. If it looks good and burns well the fragrance is compatible with the wax.
• Try the dye and fragrance together with the container, wax and wick. If it looks good and burns well the dye/fragrance combination is compatible with the wax.
• If you are experiencing burn problems, try a different type or size of wick.
• Other variables to try are different pouring and cooling temperatures and even different containers.
Be sure all equipment and materials are contaminant free. This can be a lot of work but you will find the cause of your problem. Be sure to record all your testing and results. When you do find the cause, substitute a different type or manufacturer of that component until you achieve your desired results.