Sticker: The Universe
Das Weltall aka The #Universe. Manuscript illumination from Scivias (Know the Ways) by #Hildegard of #Bingen (Disibodenberg: 1151) is a #Medieval ink and gold leaf drawing. This illustrates one of 26 #religious #visions that were transcribed by Hildegard von Bingen, describing the #creation and structure of the #universe and the narrative of #salvation. These visions were collected into a #visionary #theology she called the Scivias.
The final size of the replaceable and reusable vinyl glitter sticker is 59 mm x 76 mm. 2.34″ × 3″.
God’s Word is in all creation, visible and invisible. The Word is living, being, spirit, all verdant greening, all creativity. All creation is awakened, called, by the resounding melody, of God’s invocation of the Word. This Word manifests itself in every creature.
—Hildegard of Bingen
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